hello everyone,
Hope you've all had a good week. I have. a somewhat busy, dis-jointed week.
I have not had time to create new abstract paintings, and when that happens, just like with any other art I create, I find myself getting a little down, and cranky even.
I have nothing relevant to add this post.
Except that I am not taking commissions from individuals for the WPA art/ website. this doesnt mean I wont occasionally create custom artworks for Etsy listings or such.
However it does mean if someone contacts me about doing things such as logos, or artwork, It's a no-go.
this pertains to individuals, not established companies, or publishers. I am happy to work with them.
WHY? because they already understand how hiring a professional works, and how licensing works.
If they contact you, it generally isn't to waste your time, and they know what they want. excellent!
because, I have enough to do already.
take care everyone, and, I will be posting new art here, and on the WPA fan page and website soon.
until then,
be well
lots of love,
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
I feel a rant coming on...
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I posted here. I miss it.
This is my hang out with a cup of coffee blog. get comfy, and join me on the porch, want a cup of joe? I like cream and stevia (no artificial crap for me, thanks)
I want to add a disclaimer to this post. If it makes you mad, don't write me whining. I have better things to do. If this post may imply I am not nice, well you dont know me.
(and, quite honestly, I have better things to do than worry what others think of me, because I treat everyone with respect and kindness, so if they have a problem, I am sure it's thier issue, not mine.)
Well, all of you i'm sure know i've been really busy lately.
I feel I must expound on this, maybe rant, and tell you what's been up &
also what's gonna happen.
What's going on: Creating art, and prints for WISDOM PATH ART. getting ready to open the Etsy shop. trying to keep my sanity. there was a 6ft long rattle-snake in my yard last night, right near my puppies. thankfully it slithered off, as it was between the gate to the dog yard, and patio, and until then couldnt get to the puppies!
I want to first say Thank you so much to all my amazing friends I have made thru twitter, Etsy, and FB. you guys really inspire me with your kindness and support. love to you all. you've added a lot to my life & process.
I always look forward to chatting, catching up, and sharing what i've been doing with all of you.
Basically, i'm the exact same with my business, Wisdom Path Art. It's just my style. I'm direct, me, and genuine.
I was told this is why things are going so well.
I was thinking about that when I see so many articles about do this, do that, use twitter, blah blah blah directed at artists and craft makers.
Maybe if everyone was just themselves, shared more, and wasn't only out for themselves, they might do better!
I actually get quite a few other artists saying hey have you made sales from using this or that, and it shocked them when I say I dont know, Im not selling anything yet. Actually, I've had to wait a little longer than I initially anticipated to begin offering prints, and other items...
perhaps they could only see the value in sharing or being interactive when it benefits them, or to make sales. this is where I think the mistake happens.
Then these same people will say well, I'm using such-and such, but it hasnt helped me with sales. Hmmmm...
Do I need to say it?
I guess so. If all you're doing is trying to 'make sales' instead of making connections- REAL ones! then that's why the sales arent coming! duh!
Do I pay attention to tweets on twitter of people who just post thier latest listing of an item for sale? NO. I personally, think it's annoying, or at least, boring. some dont even say what the link is about. come on! think people!
I also know a lot of other people dont too.
Maybe it works for some people, but perhaps a differnt approach would be more effective.
Recently, A new user on FB opened a fan page. she was ALL over, saying im working on my numbers, I fanned you fan me back, et. it was really annoying. And I am thinking, ok, this is the same kind of artist who later is going to be complaining they arent making sales...
so what you get a GAZILLION people to follow you or join your fan page? does that mean they are keeping up with you? or are going to be customers? probably not, especially if all you ever post is "I fanned you! fan me back!!!" why be interested? the only people interested are others 'working on thier numbers'...
(take this concept and apply it to whatever situation you need to.)
And that's all I have to say about that, or it will just go into long boring gobbly-gook.
Artists crafters : Do you tell or let it be known locally what you do? (this excludes those of you in a large city- involved in the local art association, et. that's not what I mean).
I don't. want to know why? HA HA
I used to. (A little back info. In 2005 I lost my Mother to cancer. I was her care-giver until she went into hospice.The year leading up to this I HAD TO Slow down my career. after this time, I did not do shows, work with galleries,et. I was creating art, but needed time to heal, and think about life. so what i'm reffering to was previous to this.)
well, a lot still know what I do. However, I dont openly advertise I purposely am incognito in my area. many dont know what I do. and for me, that's fine. (this allows me to have a semi normal life, and not be engaged in long conversations while trying to get mundane things done.)
(trust me this is leading up to what comes next, a point, or rant.)
When I did, It led to a lot of that's so cool, and hey can you do this, this, that. Oh, I need you to do (insert innapropriate project here), and can you? can you? can you? (mind you, I am not speaking of legitimate work offers, or collectors wishing to hire me to create a new painting for them)
NOPE, I can't.
Not unless you want to pay me. yes. pay me-
(because, I provide a service, or produce goods you would like, but dont have)
oh, and by the way, i'm in a hurry- I'm trying to do my grocery shopping, pick up from the pharmacy, eat with my family...thanks.
All of these things require cash, you know, the stuff you pay people in exchange for them making or doing things for you. what a novel idea! WOW!
Examples : The bakery SELLS Bread. you buy it, because you want it. you exchange money for this bread.
(the bakery charges money for the bread because they had to use raw materials to make this bread, and have the knowledge to create it, so that you could then enjoy it.)
You dont get the bread because you really like the bread, and think you should be able to have it, because, just because, you like it. the bakery is not there to give away free bread.or, at least, they are not going to give it to you just because you feel they should be flattered by your liking thier bread.
your DR: try going to the doctor, and expecting them to give you services for free. It will brighten everyone's day by making them laugh.
the Lawyer: same thing. however, you should FULLY EXPECT them to do this for you, and not think twice about it.
afterall, they should be flattered!
the mechanic, car dealership, or tire shop. hmmm, let's see. get a new car, an oil change, repair, or new tires? for free? nope! don't think so.
nevermind that the doctor, lawyer, dentist, pharmacist, mechanic, bread baker all have special skills they use to provide you services, most taking years to learn, and also many specialized tools for thier services, and raw materials to make things for you.
But, if your sense of entitlement is so grand that you are somehow convinced that the world owes you everything, and you should have it simply because you like it, or want it, then good for you. I'm sure you will get far with this way of thinking. let me know how this works out for you. K? great.
For some reason, the general public, not everyone, mind you. just a LOT of people, think it's perfectly OK to expect artists, crafters, designers, illustrators to give them thier time, expertise, skills, and products for free.
It's not ok. (as seen by the examples above).
This even extends, to me, to make sure images are given proper credit when used online. and, ideally, asked to be used first. unless it is taken from a stock photo site, then that image was made by someone probably trying to make a living. they deserve proper credit.
if it's good enough for you to use, or steal then you can have enough respect to at least give the person credit for thier creation.
Despite what some think, just because an image is online, does NOT make it public domain.
just because I can see your car while I walk down the street, doesnt give me the right to pop in and drive it around.
when you put examples of what people expect from artists or creatives, it's really unfair, and rediculous, and it brings it to light very easily when you put the same situation in terms of other professions or situations.
I have often got very angry responses from people when pointing out these basics.
Some people will say well, any art made that is sold, or if an artist makes a living from thier art, it's not real art.
GIMME A BREAK. who pays your bills?
I think anyone who spots this, i'm going to tel them hey since your an expert, you shouldnt get a salary from the college you teach at. you should SHARE your grand wisdom for free, because if you dont, then you're not really a professor.
Who are these people who come up with this stuff?!
It's just another way to try and 'keep us in line'.
For the rest of us, in the real world, who DO make REAL art, but, *GASP* have the audacity to expect to live a decent, comfortable life, and provide basics for our families like EVERYONE ELSE, I say to all the others: GET STUFFED.
We are contributing members of this society, and if you want what we have, you need to pay for it like everything else.
I didnt mean for the whole point of this to be about getting paid. this was kinda a tangent, But I think it needed to be said.
It's NOT wrong to want to make a living doing what you love. It's ALSO NOT wrong to expect the same respect shown to other professionals, as an artist, or creative.
I am probably going to start a series for artists. I'm not going to address that right now though.
Thank goodness, times are a bit different, with the movement for everyone to self-represent, and micro or "indie' prenuers now. this is a great thing!
(except I HATE catch phrases or words with a purple passion. ie:'indiprenuer. 'quantum' oh, get over yourself! ugh!
i'm going to go be UBER Pretentious in my hybrid, drinking soy latte in a recycled cup from an over priced coffe house where only uber cool, other pretentious A Holes buy coffee-while I use my palm pre, and feel sorry for the unwashed masses who are so unenlightened about being green, hip,and all that other crap.)
oh sorry. think my filter broke, or I was possesed.back to what I was saying...
but, it comes back to there are so many misconceptions about artists.
so, locally, I dont advertise, mix, or anything like that, about my art. it's not worth it.
I think at some point later, I will reach out a bit more, maybe even advertise, but for right now, I am enjoying the peace and quiet. I work nationally, so I'm not dependent on what happens locally.
where was I?
by now, I am sure there arent a lot reading, then again, who knows?! this is my personal blog, And I am allowed to my opinion, and life.
Which brings me to another point.
yes. Somehow I am not allowed to have an opinion, a life, make mistakes, or in general, anything else others take for granted because I am an artist, or I have an online presence, or am a public figure.
I think you know by now my response to that. ehem.
Ok, I'm done.there is so much more I feel the need to comment on, but tonight isnt the right time.
I will try to make other posts more direct, focused, and less rambling. but then again, I might not. this is my personal blog, and, I promise nothing. Except that it's me, and without filtering.
read for entertainment only...
The pupose of this blog is:
A) for me to have fun with
B) To share with fellow creatives & other friends
C) show in a candid way what my life is like & what I'm working on.
If you expect anything else, you'll be disapointed.
Oh, And DONT post ads or links in my comment section. it's tacky, and i'll just delete it, anyway.
also warning: dont come to MY blog, read something, then try to engage a debate or arguement about it.
That's tantamount to doing the same inside my home. not gonna happen.
this, is not a forum, its my personal blog.
next time, I might discuss the issue of those who find value in community among artists, and those who live in and by jelousy, and other negative personality traits, that usually keep the artist from success, and therefore a negative cycle ensues. (this all goes back to our thoughts creating our reality) small thoughts =small career.
ok, before I sign off, I want to address wasting people's time. because I've been dealing with that lately.(yay)
I'm currently NOT accepting any commissions. for anything.
When I begin to sell my block prints on ETSY, I WILL offer custom work. this will have to be paid in full before I begin the work.
I am NOT available for logos, sketches, other art, or also to give free advice, and lessons via e mail.
my time is as valuable as everyone elses.
the end
This is my hang out with a cup of coffee blog. get comfy, and join me on the porch, want a cup of joe? I like cream and stevia (no artificial crap for me, thanks)
I want to add a disclaimer to this post. If it makes you mad, don't write me whining. I have better things to do. If this post may imply I am not nice, well you dont know me.
(and, quite honestly, I have better things to do than worry what others think of me, because I treat everyone with respect and kindness, so if they have a problem, I am sure it's thier issue, not mine.)
Well, all of you i'm sure know i've been really busy lately.
I feel I must expound on this, maybe rant, and tell you what's been up &
also what's gonna happen.
What's going on: Creating art, and prints for WISDOM PATH ART. getting ready to open the Etsy shop. trying to keep my sanity. there was a 6ft long rattle-snake in my yard last night, right near my puppies. thankfully it slithered off, as it was between the gate to the dog yard, and patio, and until then couldnt get to the puppies!
I want to first say Thank you so much to all my amazing friends I have made thru twitter, Etsy, and FB. you guys really inspire me with your kindness and support. love to you all. you've added a lot to my life & process.
I always look forward to chatting, catching up, and sharing what i've been doing with all of you.
Basically, i'm the exact same with my business, Wisdom Path Art. It's just my style. I'm direct, me, and genuine.
I was told this is why things are going so well.
I was thinking about that when I see so many articles about do this, do that, use twitter, blah blah blah directed at artists and craft makers.
Maybe if everyone was just themselves, shared more, and wasn't only out for themselves, they might do better!
I actually get quite a few other artists saying hey have you made sales from using this or that, and it shocked them when I say I dont know, Im not selling anything yet. Actually, I've had to wait a little longer than I initially anticipated to begin offering prints, and other items...
perhaps they could only see the value in sharing or being interactive when it benefits them, or to make sales. this is where I think the mistake happens.
Then these same people will say well, I'm using such-and such, but it hasnt helped me with sales. Hmmmm...
Do I need to say it?
I guess so. If all you're doing is trying to 'make sales' instead of making connections- REAL ones! then that's why the sales arent coming! duh!
Do I pay attention to tweets on twitter of people who just post thier latest listing of an item for sale? NO. I personally, think it's annoying, or at least, boring. some dont even say what the link is about. come on! think people!
I also know a lot of other people dont too.
Maybe it works for some people, but perhaps a differnt approach would be more effective.
Recently, A new user on FB opened a fan page. she was ALL over, saying im working on my numbers, I fanned you fan me back, et. it was really annoying. And I am thinking, ok, this is the same kind of artist who later is going to be complaining they arent making sales...
so what you get a GAZILLION people to follow you or join your fan page? does that mean they are keeping up with you? or are going to be customers? probably not, especially if all you ever post is "I fanned you! fan me back!!!" why be interested? the only people interested are others 'working on thier numbers'...
(take this concept and apply it to whatever situation you need to.)
And that's all I have to say about that, or it will just go into long boring gobbly-gook.
Artists crafters : Do you tell or let it be known locally what you do? (this excludes those of you in a large city- involved in the local art association, et. that's not what I mean).
I don't. want to know why? HA HA
I used to. (A little back info. In 2005 I lost my Mother to cancer. I was her care-giver until she went into hospice.The year leading up to this I HAD TO Slow down my career. after this time, I did not do shows, work with galleries,et. I was creating art, but needed time to heal, and think about life. so what i'm reffering to was previous to this.)
well, a lot still know what I do. However, I dont openly advertise I purposely am incognito in my area. many dont know what I do. and for me, that's fine. (this allows me to have a semi normal life, and not be engaged in long conversations while trying to get mundane things done.)
(trust me this is leading up to what comes next, a point, or rant.)
When I did, It led to a lot of that's so cool, and hey can you do this, this, that. Oh, I need you to do (insert innapropriate project here), and can you? can you? can you? (mind you, I am not speaking of legitimate work offers, or collectors wishing to hire me to create a new painting for them)
NOPE, I can't.
Not unless you want to pay me. yes. pay me-
(because, I provide a service, or produce goods you would like, but dont have)
oh, and by the way, i'm in a hurry- I'm trying to do my grocery shopping, pick up from the pharmacy, eat with my family...thanks.
All of these things require cash, you know, the stuff you pay people in exchange for them making or doing things for you. what a novel idea! WOW!
Examples : The bakery SELLS Bread. you buy it, because you want it. you exchange money for this bread.
(the bakery charges money for the bread because they had to use raw materials to make this bread, and have the knowledge to create it, so that you could then enjoy it.)
You dont get the bread because you really like the bread, and think you should be able to have it, because, just because, you like it. the bakery is not there to give away free bread.or, at least, they are not going to give it to you just because you feel they should be flattered by your liking thier bread.
your DR: try going to the doctor, and expecting them to give you services for free. It will brighten everyone's day by making them laugh.
the Lawyer: same thing. however, you should FULLY EXPECT them to do this for you, and not think twice about it.
afterall, they should be flattered!
the mechanic, car dealership, or tire shop. hmmm, let's see. get a new car, an oil change, repair, or new tires? for free? nope! don't think so.
nevermind that the doctor, lawyer, dentist, pharmacist, mechanic, bread baker all have special skills they use to provide you services, most taking years to learn, and also many specialized tools for thier services, and raw materials to make things for you.
But, if your sense of entitlement is so grand that you are somehow convinced that the world owes you everything, and you should have it simply because you like it, or want it, then good for you. I'm sure you will get far with this way of thinking. let me know how this works out for you. K? great.
For some reason, the general public, not everyone, mind you. just a LOT of people, think it's perfectly OK to expect artists, crafters, designers, illustrators to give them thier time, expertise, skills, and products for free.
It's not ok. (as seen by the examples above).
This even extends, to me, to make sure images are given proper credit when used online. and, ideally, asked to be used first. unless it is taken from a stock photo site, then that image was made by someone probably trying to make a living. they deserve proper credit.
if it's good enough for you to use, or steal then you can have enough respect to at least give the person credit for thier creation.
Despite what some think, just because an image is online, does NOT make it public domain.
just because I can see your car while I walk down the street, doesnt give me the right to pop in and drive it around.
when you put examples of what people expect from artists or creatives, it's really unfair, and rediculous, and it brings it to light very easily when you put the same situation in terms of other professions or situations.
I have often got very angry responses from people when pointing out these basics.
Some people will say well, any art made that is sold, or if an artist makes a living from thier art, it's not real art.
GIMME A BREAK. who pays your bills?
I think anyone who spots this, i'm going to tel them hey since your an expert, you shouldnt get a salary from the college you teach at. you should SHARE your grand wisdom for free, because if you dont, then you're not really a professor.
Who are these people who come up with this stuff?!
It's just another way to try and 'keep us in line'.
For the rest of us, in the real world, who DO make REAL art, but, *GASP* have the audacity to expect to live a decent, comfortable life, and provide basics for our families like EVERYONE ELSE, I say to all the others: GET STUFFED.
We are contributing members of this society, and if you want what we have, you need to pay for it like everything else.
I didnt mean for the whole point of this to be about getting paid. this was kinda a tangent, But I think it needed to be said.
It's NOT wrong to want to make a living doing what you love. It's ALSO NOT wrong to expect the same respect shown to other professionals, as an artist, or creative.
I am probably going to start a series for artists. I'm not going to address that right now though.
Thank goodness, times are a bit different, with the movement for everyone to self-represent, and micro or "indie' prenuers now. this is a great thing!
(except I HATE catch phrases or words with a purple passion. ie:'indiprenuer. 'quantum' oh, get over yourself! ugh!
i'm going to go be UBER Pretentious in my hybrid, drinking soy latte in a recycled cup from an over priced coffe house where only uber cool, other pretentious A Holes buy coffee-while I use my palm pre, and feel sorry for the unwashed masses who are so unenlightened about being green, hip,and all that other crap.)
oh sorry. think my filter broke, or I was possesed.back to what I was saying...
but, it comes back to there are so many misconceptions about artists.
so, locally, I dont advertise, mix, or anything like that, about my art. it's not worth it.
I think at some point later, I will reach out a bit more, maybe even advertise, but for right now, I am enjoying the peace and quiet. I work nationally, so I'm not dependent on what happens locally.
where was I?
by now, I am sure there arent a lot reading, then again, who knows?! this is my personal blog, And I am allowed to my opinion, and life.
Which brings me to another point.
yes. Somehow I am not allowed to have an opinion, a life, make mistakes, or in general, anything else others take for granted because I am an artist, or I have an online presence, or am a public figure.
I think you know by now my response to that. ehem.
Ok, I'm done.there is so much more I feel the need to comment on, but tonight isnt the right time.
I will try to make other posts more direct, focused, and less rambling. but then again, I might not. this is my personal blog, and, I promise nothing. Except that it's me, and without filtering.
read for entertainment only...
The pupose of this blog is:
A) for me to have fun with
B) To share with fellow creatives & other friends
C) show in a candid way what my life is like & what I'm working on.
If you expect anything else, you'll be disapointed.
Oh, And DONT post ads or links in my comment section. it's tacky, and i'll just delete it, anyway.
also warning: dont come to MY blog, read something, then try to engage a debate or arguement about it.
That's tantamount to doing the same inside my home. not gonna happen.
this, is not a forum, its my personal blog.
next time, I might discuss the issue of those who find value in community among artists, and those who live in and by jelousy, and other negative personality traits, that usually keep the artist from success, and therefore a negative cycle ensues. (this all goes back to our thoughts creating our reality) small thoughts =small career.
ok, before I sign off, I want to address wasting people's time. because I've been dealing with that lately.(yay)
I'm currently NOT accepting any commissions. for anything.
When I begin to sell my block prints on ETSY, I WILL offer custom work. this will have to be paid in full before I begin the work.
I am NOT available for logos, sketches, other art, or also to give free advice, and lessons via e mail.
my time is as valuable as everyone elses.
the end

Saturday, August 15, 2009
New ART?! and an invite...
Hi Guys!
Hope your weekend is going great. wanted to stop in, and tell you what ive been up to lately.
Still doing my contemporary artwork, yes, of course. But my work over at Wisdom Path Art has me pretty busy recently.
Things are settling in nicely though, and I am working on a few new collections for WPA. I'd like to say Thank you! to my 23 friends who follow this blog, and apparently the several hundred of you visiting it! On that note, I'd like to invite you all if you haven't already, to join me on the Wisdom Path Art blog so you can keep up with my fun over there, too.
between the two blogs (this one and that one) you can really get an idea of what my life is like, and what's up. And I enjoy sharing. you can visit the WPA blog here http://www.wisdompathart.blogspot.com/
please sign up, follow and join me!
ALSO, for anyone who hasnt heard, I am on Facebook now, finally. I know, Im the last person on Earth who didnt have a FB page, right? ha ha ok, well I have one now. And the response has been crazy! Thank you again! so, another invite, this one to join me on my FB page, I'd love to see you there!
join me on FB: http://www.facebook.com/wisdompathart
Lastly, If you don't know what kinda stuff I do over at wisdom path art, here's an idea.
a new release!
Hope your weekend is going great. wanted to stop in, and tell you what ive been up to lately.
Still doing my contemporary artwork, yes, of course. But my work over at Wisdom Path Art has me pretty busy recently.
Things are settling in nicely though, and I am working on a few new collections for WPA. I'd like to say Thank you! to my 23 friends who follow this blog, and apparently the several hundred of you visiting it! On that note, I'd like to invite you all if you haven't already, to join me on the Wisdom Path Art blog so you can keep up with my fun over there, too.
between the two blogs (this one and that one) you can really get an idea of what my life is like, and what's up. And I enjoy sharing. you can visit the WPA blog here http://www.wisdompathart.blogspot.com/
please sign up, follow and join me!
ALSO, for anyone who hasnt heard, I am on Facebook now, finally. I know, Im the last person on Earth who didnt have a FB page, right? ha ha ok, well I have one now. And the response has been crazy! Thank you again! so, another invite, this one to join me on my FB page, I'd love to see you there!
join me on FB: http://www.facebook.com/wisdompathart
Lastly, If you don't know what kinda stuff I do over at wisdom path art, here's an idea.
a new release!
So, what are you waiting for? take a minute, come have some fun, and join me on the Wisdom Path Art blog, and facebook page. oh, and of course, you got to see the new site design, too. so pop on over to http://www.WisdomPathArt.com
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Guess what?!


ok So I just didnt know what to use for a catchy blog title post. Sorry.
I do have art to share though. some is new, some is not new, but has never been shown on the internet before. I am a bit disapointed in the pics and will try to replace them with better ones in a few days. I havent been feeling well this week, and it's been a very busy time for me.
So I might not be writing anything incredibly insighful for a bit, (because I have a migraine right now) but I can at least share my art with you all.
I am still working on creating a new website for all of the abstracts, and changing the look of Wisdom Path Art. I am increasingly frustrated with how to deal with a huge body of work spanning many years and different eras in my life and what i was working on I would like to show this but, oh well I'll figure something out. my head hurts to bad right now to bother.
So I might not be writing anything incredibly insighful for a bit, (because I have a migraine right now) but I can at least share my art with you all.
I am still working on creating a new website for all of the abstracts, and changing the look of Wisdom Path Art. I am increasingly frustrated with how to deal with a huge body of work spanning many years and different eras in my life and what i was working on I would like to show this but, oh well I'll figure something out. my head hurts to bad right now to bother.

Sunday, August 2, 2009
FINALLY FACEBOOK & the new (old) site!
Hey everyone!
Hope your weekend was great I want to say a big THANKS! to all of you who have followed me on twitter, to FB, and here and the site the response from all of you has been amazing ! I really appreciate it. I love it when you take the time to posts comments here on the blog too! thanks you guys are awsome!
ok, some of you may know, I have had the hardest time figuring out how to set up my facebook page. It's been bugging me, because apparently it's great for artists who are trying to connect. But, I am also the type NOT to jump into anything or waste my time with anything just because other people are doing it.
And, I dont have a lot of time but I have wanted to get at least a basic FB page up. AND I HAVE! FINALLY! i know, the whole rest of the world already has one.
here's mine.
Wisdom Path Art on Facebook click here
NOW, I want to invite all of you to visit and add me as your friend!
see you there!
and while we're talking about new stuff...
The website is getting an overhaul. yep a totally new look. please take a minute to look at the front page and share your thoughts.
Hopefully the rest of the site will be done today or tomorrow.
I will probably have a seperate site JUST for my abstract works, then 'cross pollinate' my promotion of everything. it's all modern, all me, just two different collections, and I want to make sure both groups of art get the respect they deserve.
make sure to check here oftena nd also on twitter so you dont miss anything hapening!
Hope your weekend was great I want to say a big THANKS! to all of you who have followed me on twitter, to FB, and here and the site the response from all of you has been amazing ! I really appreciate it. I love it when you take the time to posts comments here on the blog too! thanks you guys are awsome!
ok, some of you may know, I have had the hardest time figuring out how to set up my facebook page. It's been bugging me, because apparently it's great for artists who are trying to connect. But, I am also the type NOT to jump into anything or waste my time with anything just because other people are doing it.
And, I dont have a lot of time but I have wanted to get at least a basic FB page up. AND I HAVE! FINALLY! i know, the whole rest of the world already has one.
here's mine.
Wisdom Path Art on Facebook click here
NOW, I want to invite all of you to visit and add me as your friend!
see you there!
and while we're talking about new stuff...
The website is getting an overhaul. yep a totally new look. please take a minute to look at the front page and share your thoughts.
Hopefully the rest of the site will be done today or tomorrow.
I will probably have a seperate site JUST for my abstract works, then 'cross pollinate' my promotion of everything. it's all modern, all me, just two different collections, and I want to make sure both groups of art get the respect they deserve.
make sure to check here oftena nd also on twitter so you dont miss anything hapening!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fresh Art! new series & news!

This is my latest Artwork. 'The 3 Graces' Aprox 9x12 inches
This is a color drawing on color matboard.
This marks the beginning of a new series for me.
I will be working on my figures such as these, and also my abstracts. I have in the plans block prints, sculptures, paintings, and my born from fire jewelry.
I promise to post updates on everything as new work develops, As I am very excited about all of the new ideas I am exploring! This all really marks a new era in my career, as well. I have finally put all my efforts into my contemporary work, "getting out of my own way' so to speak. I decided I needed to be brave enough to share these inner visions & expressions and to really dealve into them see where they go and not hold myself back. Since I have made this decision I have been extremely inspired! This is a very exciting time for me, and I hope all of you enjoy sharing this artistic journey with me.
I will also have some very exciting news about new places my art can be seen, both online and OFFLINE.
So I welcome you to visit often, join me on twitter, spread the word & come along on this new journey!
A website is being developed and I will announce it's opening here onthe blog & on twitter.
As always, please feel free to leave comments here on the blog about all of it!
I love to hear from you!
Thanks everyone!
I have been getting a lot of questions on twitter, e mail & on the blogs lately so I'd like to answer a few here, now. The first one is:
Do you create custom works?
YES I do offer commissions. I love making special pieces for collectors! I can work with you to fit your size you need, colors, and budjet. our imaginations are the only limit! And if you're really stuck, send me pictures of the area or space you would like the art for. commissions (custom artworks) are a lot of fun, and I preffer to call them collaborations!
please e mail me or contact me via twitter for details.
wisdompathart (at) yahoo dot com
please put in the subject line what you are interested in
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hello everyone!
I hope last week and this weekend was great for you. For me it was a very busy time, and I feel I have fallen behind in my work. I hate that feeling.
I've been very frustrated lately, because I have so much to do, and it seems like some things are just taking forever to get going. such as, my ETSY SHOP where you will be able to BUY handmade goodies by yours truly, based on the Art created for Wisdom Path Art.
Being a professional artist is very hard work, so much so few people ever realise how much. Ideas of artists are romanticised. I'm here to tell you, it's often difficult, not romantic at all. you have to be very dedicated, committed and consistent, day after day week after week, no matter what else is going on in your life. Few people have the kind of determination and dedication that it takes to be a professional artist.
I hope this doesn't sound like complaining, because it IS NOT.
Believe me, none of us out here working as artists would do what we do if we didn't absolutely love it, or it fulfilled us in some way, because there are FAR MORE easier ways to make a living!

I, like many artists, I suspect, do this because I MUST. That's something that's a little difficult to explain. If I didn't do what I'm doing, I would not be happy, or have the same sense of myself as I do now.
I create the art, but the art also creates me.
I absolutely must create my art, it is me, I am it, It is how I relate to the world and understand it, and so much more that is intangible, and impossible to verbalise.
It feeds every neuron of my soul, lets me understand I exist, and places me in context in the world.
(what? you're job doesn't do all that for you? run, don't walk, and give your 2 wks notice then!take a pay cut if you must, but do something that means something to you!)
I may begin a series, perhaps a photo journal of what life is like for an artist. it might be boring to most but might also dispel the romantic idea HA HA
The point of this post? hmm, there really isn't one, besides I wanted to say Hi, share a bit of what's going on and let you know new art will be coming soon, and more updates to the website. As some of my posts on my other blog may have indicated, I am going thru a transitional phase in my career.
So hang around, you might have some fun peeking into the life of this artist.
please take a minute to check it out if you haven't already.
And, as always, I deeply appreciate the kindness & support of all my artistic efforts by all of you wonderful friends out there!
I hope last week and this weekend was great for you. For me it was a very busy time, and I feel I have fallen behind in my work. I hate that feeling.
I've been very frustrated lately, because I have so much to do, and it seems like some things are just taking forever to get going. such as, my ETSY SHOP where you will be able to BUY handmade goodies by yours truly, based on the Art created for Wisdom Path Art.
Being a professional artist is very hard work, so much so few people ever realise how much. Ideas of artists are romanticised. I'm here to tell you, it's often difficult, not romantic at all. you have to be very dedicated, committed and consistent, day after day week after week, no matter what else is going on in your life. Few people have the kind of determination and dedication that it takes to be a professional artist.
I hope this doesn't sound like complaining, because it IS NOT.
Believe me, none of us out here working as artists would do what we do if we didn't absolutely love it, or it fulfilled us in some way, because there are FAR MORE easier ways to make a living!

I, like many artists, I suspect, do this because I MUST. That's something that's a little difficult to explain. If I didn't do what I'm doing, I would not be happy, or have the same sense of myself as I do now.
I create the art, but the art also creates me.
I absolutely must create my art, it is me, I am it, It is how I relate to the world and understand it, and so much more that is intangible, and impossible to verbalise.
It feeds every neuron of my soul, lets me understand I exist, and places me in context in the world.
(what? you're job doesn't do all that for you? run, don't walk, and give your 2 wks notice then!take a pay cut if you must, but do something that means something to you!)
I may begin a series, perhaps a photo journal of what life is like for an artist. it might be boring to most but might also dispel the romantic idea HA HA
The point of this post? hmm, there really isn't one, besides I wanted to say Hi, share a bit of what's going on and let you know new art will be coming soon, and more updates to the website. As some of my posts on my other blog may have indicated, I am going thru a transitional phase in my career.
So hang around, you might have some fun peeking into the life of this artist.
please take a minute to check it out if you haven't already.
And, as always, I deeply appreciate the kindness & support of all my artistic efforts by all of you wonderful friends out there!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hi everyone!
I almost forgot! I am Kathy Crabbe's (soul reader's) featured artist for the new moon in cancer spot!
Don't miss it! what's this all about? visit to read.
you can see it here
see you there!
I almost forgot! I am Kathy Crabbe's (soul reader's) featured artist for the new moon in cancer spot!
Don't miss it! what's this all about? visit to read.
you can see it here
see you there!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
As promised, NEW ART
Hello everyone!
Iknow you have been waiting for this.
I had anticipated having many more images to share, however, we will have to settle for my most recent original painted this week.(until I return from my trip ) It is acrylic on acrylic painting paper. It's a little like canvas,or coated bristol paper.
The paper is 9x12 in. the image is a bit smaller than that.
I'm told all my small works look huge. that's interesting.
I have also included a quick scan of two contemporary pendants made this weekend. I also work in clay and will share those soon.
Please leave your comments here on the blog about this piece, and what you like about it, or twitter me about it. Don't be shy!
One thing I am really enjoying about blogging & twittering now is I actually get to hear from collectors & new friends, before only shipping works off to a gallery, I rarely got to hear such feedback. Unless it was at an opening or show.
So this is cool! so tell me what you think!
I have so many works and NEW things going on to share, I can barely stand the excitement. but it will have to wait until next weekend, since I am gone this week.
have a great week everyone!
love & hugs to you all!
thanks so much for your support & enthusiasm for my ART!
The new painting

the pendants
Iknow you have been waiting for this.
I had anticipated having many more images to share, however, we will have to settle for my most recent original painted this week.(until I return from my trip ) It is acrylic on acrylic painting paper. It's a little like canvas,or coated bristol paper.
The paper is 9x12 in. the image is a bit smaller than that.
I'm told all my small works look huge. that's interesting.
I have also included a quick scan of two contemporary pendants made this weekend. I also work in clay and will share those soon.
Please leave your comments here on the blog about this piece, and what you like about it, or twitter me about it. Don't be shy!
One thing I am really enjoying about blogging & twittering now is I actually get to hear from collectors & new friends, before only shipping works off to a gallery, I rarely got to hear such feedback. Unless it was at an opening or show.
So this is cool! so tell me what you think!
I have so many works and NEW things going on to share, I can barely stand the excitement. but it will have to wait until next weekend, since I am gone this week.
have a great week everyone!
love & hugs to you all!
thanks so much for your support & enthusiasm for my ART!
The new painting

the pendants

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Longing for home...
Hi everyone
I am longing to return to my original home. I am from Norfolk, Va. been a long time since I have lived there. lived all over the world, found myself where im at now, that has never been home. I first started thinking seriously about returning to the area a few yrs ago but home prices were so sky high I thought I couldn't. Now, I am not just longing for Norfolk, I love the entire area & state for that matter. If you havent been or explored Virginia, you're missing out. So now I am thinking seriously about the newport news area to settle in. I will have to take a trip, of course to suss it out, which I can not do right now, but maybe in the early spring.
I could go into how the area left strong imprints on my psyche, that has never left me, and gives me a longing that fills my soul, and how it is probably what sparked a subconscious attraction to industrial beauty, but, I don't have the energy to go into that right now...
Next week I am going to be gone, Monday - Friday for a confrence. I will be back Friday but wont get to any e mail or tweeting or blogging until Saturday.
Anyway, I hope to have art ready to share on the blog with you all tomorrow.
I created a new small original last night, which I will also try to get up here tomorrow before I leave.
thank you everyone for your support of my work!
Love to you all!

Strange & beautiful...
I am longing to return to my original home. I am from Norfolk, Va. been a long time since I have lived there. lived all over the world, found myself where im at now, that has never been home. I first started thinking seriously about returning to the area a few yrs ago but home prices were so sky high I thought I couldn't. Now, I am not just longing for Norfolk, I love the entire area & state for that matter. If you havent been or explored Virginia, you're missing out. So now I am thinking seriously about the newport news area to settle in. I will have to take a trip, of course to suss it out, which I can not do right now, but maybe in the early spring.
I could go into how the area left strong imprints on my psyche, that has never left me, and gives me a longing that fills my soul, and how it is probably what sparked a subconscious attraction to industrial beauty, but, I don't have the energy to go into that right now...
Next week I am going to be gone, Monday - Friday for a confrence. I will be back Friday but wont get to any e mail or tweeting or blogging until Saturday.
Anyway, I hope to have art ready to share on the blog with you all tomorrow.
I created a new small original last night, which I will also try to get up here tomorrow before I leave.
thank you everyone for your support of my work!
Love to you all!

Strange & beautiful...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
An Update & my Gratitude
Hi everyone!
Hope your week is going great! I am feeling very optimistic this week, after such a huge enthusiastic response to my art from everyone. Thank you so much!
Just wanted to do a quick update here & share something with new followers of this blog & on twitter.
For a lot of you, you may already know I am ALSO the creator of Wisdom Path Art &
Wisdom Path Design. A few changes are coming over there too. but, rest assured, I am still going full force on Wisdom Path Art, busy creating painting, prints, and most exciting, my pendants!
I have chosen to use Etsy as an online venue for the Wisdom Path Art & Design line. I may also add a few more online venues just to introduce my work to as many people as possible. Hopefully, you may also be seeing the gifts & pendants created for this project in shops later this year or next year as well. The best way to keep up with what's going on is to also follow my BLOG for Wisdom Path Art & visit the website.
I put my heart & soul into Wisdom path Art, like I do with my contemporary work, or anything I do. And I really get a great deal of joy from how much everyone enjoys what I create & share there. I hope new followers & friends here will take a peek and enjoy the Wisdom Path Art blog & site as much as this one. It is going thru a few changes as well, which I will just leave up to everyone to watch, instead of trying to verbalise.
Bottom line is, I am a very busy girl! and wanted to make sure all of my new friends knew what I'm up to & all about.
I don't do anything else. The contemporary paintings you see here, and my business Wisdom Path Art are my career.
They may be a little different from eachother, but the bottom line is always the same.
It's all about being true to yourself, finding your joy & living your dreams. About being brave enough to be yourself, without worrying what anyone else thinks. It's also a celebration of the divine feminine, and the lives of creative women.
I have a lot planned for both aspects of my career & looking forward to sharing it all with you!
I am in the process of building a website to showcase my contemporary paintings. As soon as it is complete, I will post a link here, of course!
I really appreciate when you take a moment of your valuable time to share your comments here on my blogs. Your comments inspire me to keep going & also to bring things to you that you may enjoy, so thank you!
I'd like to encourage you to keep commenting , and also to share your ideas with me.
I Am also open to collaborations with other artists, which are always fun. but, time willing. I dont have much time right now...
which brings me to my next bit of info.
Next week from the 20th to the 24th, I will be in OKC for a confrence.
I will not be online or twittering, or blogging during that time.
If you e mail me, please have patience
I probably wont get to it until Saturday the 25.
I may have some new creations to share though, when I return!
Right now, I will be gone for the next two days, hiding in my studio creating joyfully for the Wisdom Path Art site & also for my blog here.
Love to you all & Many Blessings!
Hope your week is going great! I am feeling very optimistic this week, after such a huge enthusiastic response to my art from everyone. Thank you so much!
Just wanted to do a quick update here & share something with new followers of this blog & on twitter.
For a lot of you, you may already know I am ALSO the creator of Wisdom Path Art &
Wisdom Path Design. A few changes are coming over there too. but, rest assured, I am still going full force on Wisdom Path Art, busy creating painting, prints, and most exciting, my pendants!
I have chosen to use Etsy as an online venue for the Wisdom Path Art & Design line. I may also add a few more online venues just to introduce my work to as many people as possible. Hopefully, you may also be seeing the gifts & pendants created for this project in shops later this year or next year as well. The best way to keep up with what's going on is to also follow my BLOG for Wisdom Path Art & visit the website.
I put my heart & soul into Wisdom path Art, like I do with my contemporary work, or anything I do. And I really get a great deal of joy from how much everyone enjoys what I create & share there. I hope new followers & friends here will take a peek and enjoy the Wisdom Path Art blog & site as much as this one. It is going thru a few changes as well, which I will just leave up to everyone to watch, instead of trying to verbalise.
Bottom line is, I am a very busy girl! and wanted to make sure all of my new friends knew what I'm up to & all about.
I don't do anything else. The contemporary paintings you see here, and my business Wisdom Path Art are my career.
They may be a little different from eachother, but the bottom line is always the same.
It's all about being true to yourself, finding your joy & living your dreams. About being brave enough to be yourself, without worrying what anyone else thinks. It's also a celebration of the divine feminine, and the lives of creative women.
I have a lot planned for both aspects of my career & looking forward to sharing it all with you!
I am in the process of building a website to showcase my contemporary paintings. As soon as it is complete, I will post a link here, of course!
I really appreciate when you take a moment of your valuable time to share your comments here on my blogs. Your comments inspire me to keep going & also to bring things to you that you may enjoy, so thank you!
I'd like to encourage you to keep commenting , and also to share your ideas with me.
I Am also open to collaborations with other artists, which are always fun. but, time willing. I dont have much time right now...
which brings me to my next bit of info.
Next week from the 20th to the 24th, I will be in OKC for a confrence.
I will not be online or twittering, or blogging during that time.
If you e mail me, please have patience
I probably wont get to it until Saturday the 25.
I may have some new creations to share though, when I return!
Right now, I will be gone for the next two days, hiding in my studio creating joyfully for the Wisdom Path Art site & also for my blog here.
Love to you all & Many Blessings!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Hi everyone!
I have some new art to share! Maybe you can tell im a little excited about these!
the first is a small acrylic painting titled 'ethereal'. its on wood panel. I finished it just last night, and was very pleased with it.
After I scanned the painting, I began playing around with adjusting colors, et. in my computer, and created 2 new works based off of 'Ethereal'. It has sparked a whole new idea for a series for me. I am going to alter all or most of my new work after being photographed or scanned, to create new works.
I am calling this series 'ultra color'.
please feel free to leave me your comments. I really enjoy hearing from everyone. or, you can catch me on twitter! hope to see you there!
love to you all!
p.s. the new price structure / list for 2009 -2010 will be ready soon.
I will be offering these and others on Etsy, a few other online venues, my gallery, and at shows later in the year.

Ethereal, acrylic on wood panel

ultra color series, #1.

Ultra color series, #2.
I have some new art to share! Maybe you can tell im a little excited about these!
the first is a small acrylic painting titled 'ethereal'. its on wood panel. I finished it just last night, and was very pleased with it.
After I scanned the painting, I began playing around with adjusting colors, et. in my computer, and created 2 new works based off of 'Ethereal'. It has sparked a whole new idea for a series for me. I am going to alter all or most of my new work after being photographed or scanned, to create new works.
I am calling this series 'ultra color'.
please feel free to leave me your comments. I really enjoy hearing from everyone. or, you can catch me on twitter! hope to see you there!
love to you all!
p.s. the new price structure / list for 2009 -2010 will be ready soon.
I will be offering these and others on Etsy, a few other online venues, my gallery, and at shows later in the year.

Ethereal, acrylic on wood panel

ultra color series, #1.

Ultra color series, #2.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thanks & Welcome to the new blog
Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to say Thanks! to all of you who stopped in & those of you following my blog, and new account on twitter. I didnt expect such enthusiasm HA HA especially to the contemporary work, not that I dont like my own work, or anything of the such, Just that No one from twitter basically knows me at all for my contemporary art, since my account which I initially met everyone thru was for my other art.
The reaction I got when I posted the 3 paintings shown in the post below on twitpic was astonding, it actually shocked me. Kathy Crabbe who is using me again for her new moon artist feature on her blog loved them & is using them in the spot.
All of this really made me happy, well, it is very encouraging, too.
So Thanks!
I am working on new 'stuff' :)
And have several signigficant works being photographed that I will be posting too.
unfortunately, all of these are sold, or ones I am keeping for my own collection.
I do plan to have more very soon though available to purchase, if you may be so inclined. I have been doing a lot of small works, but also can and do work very large at times, and will do commissions.
I also LOVE having my work used for print. Paid or not.
I just like it.
am I gonna make a new website? yep. I 'll post the link here when it's ready, and also blab about it on twitter.
Anyone on Twitter who follows me knows, I am not 'spammy' but I do like to share what's going on with me. I'm definitely not there to simply market, spam, or advertise.
I have made so many amazing connections & new friends from Twitter!
so when i'm there, i'm connecting, not selling.
For some crazy reason, Since I have been working publicly, and online again, everyone has been going crazy about my work & really being supportive of me on my projects & art.
you know what I think about that?
That you guys are AWSOME!
you ROCK! and you have given me a lot more in my life than you realise.
I also love to support other artists, I probably wont have a whole side-bar filled with links, sections, et. I find that distracting. What I usually do is, people I have connected with, i blog about them. I think thats even better than a link. it requires my thought, time & energy to do that for someone. Kind of like making someone a present vs. buying something at a store, last minute! :)
So, As with my other blog, I will continue to share my friends' work on this blog too. I really believe in Artists & creative people supporting eachother. A lot of people say that, or similar, but that's all they do, is say they do, and not do it. i better stop or this will become a whole new subject matter.
Thanks & happy creating!
I just wanted to say Thanks! to all of you who stopped in & those of you following my blog, and new account on twitter. I didnt expect such enthusiasm HA HA especially to the contemporary work, not that I dont like my own work, or anything of the such, Just that No one from twitter basically knows me at all for my contemporary art, since my account which I initially met everyone thru was for my other art.
The reaction I got when I posted the 3 paintings shown in the post below on twitpic was astonding, it actually shocked me. Kathy Crabbe who is using me again for her new moon artist feature on her blog loved them & is using them in the spot.
All of this really made me happy, well, it is very encouraging, too.
So Thanks!
I am working on new 'stuff' :)
And have several signigficant works being photographed that I will be posting too.
unfortunately, all of these are sold, or ones I am keeping for my own collection.
I do plan to have more very soon though available to purchase, if you may be so inclined. I have been doing a lot of small works, but also can and do work very large at times, and will do commissions.
I also LOVE having my work used for print. Paid or not.
I just like it.
am I gonna make a new website? yep. I 'll post the link here when it's ready, and also blab about it on twitter.
Anyone on Twitter who follows me knows, I am not 'spammy' but I do like to share what's going on with me. I'm definitely not there to simply market, spam, or advertise.
I have made so many amazing connections & new friends from Twitter!
so when i'm there, i'm connecting, not selling.
For some crazy reason, Since I have been working publicly, and online again, everyone has been going crazy about my work & really being supportive of me on my projects & art.
you know what I think about that?
That you guys are AWSOME!
you ROCK! and you have given me a lot more in my life than you realise.
I also love to support other artists, I probably wont have a whole side-bar filled with links, sections, et. I find that distracting. What I usually do is, people I have connected with, i blog about them. I think thats even better than a link. it requires my thought, time & energy to do that for someone. Kind of like making someone a present vs. buying something at a store, last minute! :)
So, As with my other blog, I will continue to share my friends' work on this blog too. I really believe in Artists & creative people supporting eachother. A lot of people say that, or similar, but that's all they do, is say they do, and not do it. i better stop or this will become a whole new subject matter.
Thanks & happy creating!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
my First post on my new Blog!


this is my very first post. look at my baby blog! how cute! it will surely turn into a monster.(like everything else in my life)
I am an artist, and created this as a way to have an outlet like regular people do, who dont work with the public, so I could just hang out & be me, without censoring myself. surely, this will end up being public too, So like it or not, here I am! This is my personal Blog. I will rant, share & post art.
who knows, you guys might really dig it.
If you do, great.
But this is not about making anyone happy, it's just for me.
Mine, mine! it's all mine!
ok, now, I'll go decorate my site & add some art.
this is my very first post. look at my baby blog! how cute! it will surely turn into a monster.(like everything else in my life)
I am an artist, and created this as a way to have an outlet like regular people do, who dont work with the public, so I could just hang out & be me, without censoring myself. surely, this will end up being public too, So like it or not, here I am! This is my personal Blog. I will rant, share & post art.
who knows, you guys might really dig it.
If you do, great.
But this is not about making anyone happy, it's just for me.
Mine, mine! it's all mine!
ok, now, I'll go decorate my site & add some art.
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