Sunday, August 2, 2009

FINALLY FACEBOOK & the new (old) site!

Hey everyone!
Hope your weekend was great I want to say a big THANKS! to all of you who have followed me on twitter, to FB, and here and the site the response from all of you has been amazing ! I really appreciate it. I love it when you take the time to posts comments here on the blog too! thanks you guys are awsome!

ok, some of you may know, I have had the hardest time figuring out how to set up my facebook page. It's been bugging me, because apparently it's great for artists who are trying to connect. But, I am also the type NOT to jump into anything or waste my time with anything just because other people are doing it.
And, I dont have a lot of time but I have wanted to get at least a basic FB page up. AND I HAVE! FINALLY! i know, the whole rest of the world already has one.
here's mine.
Wisdom Path Art on Facebook click here

NOW, I want to invite all of you to visit and add me as your friend!
see you there!

and while we're talking about new stuff...
The website is getting an overhaul. yep a totally new look. please take a minute to look at the front page and share your thoughts.
Hopefully the rest of the site will be done today or tomorrow.
I will probably have a seperate site JUST for my abstract works, then 'cross pollinate' my promotion of everything. it's all modern, all me, just two different collections, and I want to make sure both groups of art get the respect they deserve.
make sure to check here oftena nd also on twitter so you dont miss anything hapening!

1 comment:

  1. welcome to FB : ) will definately friends u : )I dont use it much but I do know alot of really lovely artists on there that you can connect with : )
